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In the course of my research, I have accumulated an extensive list of over 1800 books and articles related to some aspect of organic or sustainable agriculture. This page includes bibliographies on selected topics that correspond to the articles posted on this website. It is a work in progress and I will be adding new material as I continue to compile it.


History of Organic Farming - Secondary Sources

These secondary sources provide a good overview of the basic timeline and events in the history of organic farming. They are written by historians, agricultural scientists, and social scientists. I have divided them into two lists: the top ten that I found most useful, and a full list of all the secondary sources on this topic.


Early Organic Farming Books

These are the books that shaped organic farming from the 1940s-1960s. Most of them were printed or reprinted by Rodale Press in the United States or Faber and Faber in England. They cover composting, gardening methods, and the connection between soil and health.

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